- Multinationals -No 'standIn Reply to: Have you any values? posted by Joe Blow on October 09, 1998 at 19:21:05:
Let's say a close relative of yours came down with a rare disease and the cure could only be found by experimenting with a hundred rodents. Would you value a hundred rodents more than this close relative of yours? Also, are you a vegetarian? If you answered "no" to either of my questions than you are a hypocrit and need to rethink your values.This is a most puzzling message. Is this pro- or anti-animal rights? Perhaps you meant that a "no" answer to one and only one of the questions makes someone a hypocrite. Still, a person could value a hundred rodents more than a close relative, not be vegetarian, and not be a hypocrite. Or could value a hundred rodents less than a close relative, be a vegetarian, and not be a hypocrite. What's more, the technique of accusing people of hypocrisy makes for poor propaganda, as it closes minds and raises bristles instantly. ![]()