- Multinationals -Bullies.In Reply to: taco bell bullying posted by a. clements on July 06, 1998 at 11:41:13:
I'm from Colorado Springs - Beth is the best radio personality we had. The public outcry about her termination has been larger and longer than for any other media personality I've ever seen. That's because we know she was bigger than this town and those corporate ass-kissers made the mistake of their lives. We also know she got the shaft. It's embarrassing to see such blatant injustice and stupidity in one's own home town. I'll never listen to another Citadel station and never darken Taco Bell's door again. No self-respecting vegetarian ought to give them their business until Beth gets an apology and Taco Bell stops gouging vegetarians and other health-conscious people who don't want to pay a quarter extra to keep from clogging their arteries. Bullies. ![]()