- Multinationals -taco bell bullying
I'm a former radio host from Colorado Springs who was fired from my #1 morning show at KKFM because I asked on the air why Taco Bell charges 25 cents extra to change meat for beans. I think, although I didn't even say this on the air, that I think it's an arbitrary gouge of vegetarians. Before we even got off the air 30 minutes later, Mike Grage, the Taco Bell official from our neck of the woods (I think his daddy owns the franchise) had called and reportedly not only threatened to pull $80,000 in advertising, but to have a restraining order placed against me personally. After calling me at home that night to tell me not to worry, to enjoy my shift, that I wasn't fired, Operations Manager Paul Johnson promptly fired me after my shift the following day. He has subsequently gone on the radio and television to say that Taco Bell (which, coincidentally, went back on the air the day after I was fired) had nothing to do with my firing, that I was fired for other, unspecified reasons. I wasn't there. I have no way to prove what the Taco Bell people said to the KKFM (owned by Citadel Communications) people. All I know is that I was fired and the reason for it seems to have disappeared like drops of water hitting a hot skillet. I"ve never been written up for anything I did off the air, and the only time I was written up, the whole morning show was, too. They still have their jobs... ![]()