- Multinationals -
A point or 2
Posted by: BASE727(mad cow patrol) ( Windsor Ont. Can. ) on February 22, 1998 at 23:37:24:
In Reply to: Let's place the credit where it REALLY lie. posted by Mike Bacon on February 22, 1998 at 08:02:51:

BASE727; Mike B & Mike S. now lets see here. Mike B you must be a very trusting individual when it comes to your pay . The mess in the order of the stocking of article and the damaged products may lie in the fault of every one from the bosses right down to the employees to the customers .What do you want for low wages. It's a good idea NOT to be a backstabber because it may fall back on you someday. Mike S. Now H.B.Co. bought Zellers & K-Mmart as for the union in W-Mart we have two (2) W-Marts in Windsor one is unionzed and one isn't O.K. these were not built from scratch these are former Woolco Stores and what is making the problems is the former long time Woolcow workers .In the non union store the are playing every mind game happy to wok here stunt you can imagine , if you cant see through stuff of this nature there is something wrong! Both of you! picture this scene someone was a teeny bopper many years ago they went to work for XY&Z Co. and the were treated like human garbage everyway possible and they were devastated by this. It is now the present time they have kids that are working age. The scene kids "mom mom we can get a job at XY&Z Co. Mom (the red flag comes out ) now where do you want to work let me tell you a few things about this place etc. Now do follow my points.James BASE727 (m.c.p.) p.s. have a good day gentlemen. .

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