- Multinationals -
He is not democratic, he is systematic
Posted by: BASE727 (mad cow patrol) ( Windsor Ont Can ) on March 03, 1998 at 09:33:40:
In Reply to: double standard posted by Mike Sprout on March 02, 1998 at 07:53:29:

Mike S. : You say te employees who don;'t like the union should go somewher else? BASE727:: Mike did you misread i said we have two W-Marts in Windsor. One is unionized and one isn't, now as for the the employees that dont like the management if they had a union they wouldn't have to worry about the bosses. And for the way i do yhings i do them democraticly (majority rules) . And i final thought for your hero Mike Harris he is not democratic, he is systematic . He has systematicly screwing up workers rights and priveliges. He has systematicly screwed up our social programs for our people. He has systematicly screwed up our health care. He has systematicly screwed up this province... period! Any other questions? James BASE727(m.c.p.?)

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