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McNewsflash! II
Posted by: BASE727(mad cow patrol) ( Windsor Ont Can ) on February 22, 1998 at 08:01:21:

WEDNESDAY FEBRUERY 18 1998 Union wants to see books. MONTREAL) Quebecs biggest labour federation wants to see the books of a McDonalds in suburban St-Hubert that shut down shortly before emlployees expected to be unionized. The Quebec Federation of Labour says it would consider investing money from its Solidarity Fund to reopen the restaurant if the outlet is viable,so it could save the jobs.The investment would be conditionl on acceptance of a union at the St-Hubert uotlet making it the only McDee's in North America. The offer is a velvet glove before the union unsheathes the steel fist of actions such as a continent-wide boycott. "We're giving them a chance to accept once and for all that young people have a right to be unionized" the federation president told a news conference on Tuesday. Good reading and G'day James BASE727(m.c.p.)

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