- Multinationals -
Re: I've been following it too
Posted by: BASE727(mad cow patrol) ( Windsor Ont Can ) on February 25, 1998 at 10:36:28:
In Reply to: I've been following it too posted by Quincunx on February 23, 1998 at 10:09:25:

QX : The official explanation is a lie through and through and even McDonald's HQ in Ohio sent specialists to get rid of the problem by coercing employees to fill out anti-union statements of non-commital. It should get interesting.BASE727: Thanks Quincunx for also keeping an EYE on this one the more people we have watching the situation the sooner we can bring this evil unjust act before the people. BASE727 (m.c.p.) James) here is more iteresting reading click here

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