- Multinationals -

Kuntucky Fried Chicken (Pepsico)

Posted by: Howard Dean Earnshaw ( UK ) on August 01, 1996 at 10:54:37:

Anone who has looked at the McDonald's web site
might want to have a look at another example of a corporate propaganda site...

try this, but its disgusting, be warned..... KFC

or go straight to this page... 'facts'
where you can find such gems of 'information' ;

KFC/Chicken Facts

Everybody Needs a Little KFCTM

CHICKEN FACTS as of December 31, 1995

Total Meals Served in KFC=AE Restaurants Per Year

U.S.A. 1.2 billion
International 1.3 billion
Worldwide 2.5 billion

Total KFC Chickens Consumed Annually

U.S.A. 360 million
International 221 million
Worldwide 581 million

Laid head to claw, KFC chickens consumed worldwide would stretch some
275,094 miles. They would circle the Earth at the equator 11 times or
stretch from the Earth approximately 50,094 miles past the moon.

Funnily enough, I can't find anything in the 'chicken facts'
section about how the chickens are reared.

Perhaps McSpotlight should do a guided tour of the KFC site and some of
the other Pepsico sites. (for those that didn't know, KFC is owned by
Pepsico - along with Taco Bell and many other major fast food chains.
I think I am correct in saying that Pepsico's fast food interests
actually exceed McDonald's turn over of $30 billion each year.)

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