- Multinationals -
all the lovely garbage incinerators
Posted by: land ( mom, us ) on July 19, 1999 at 19:23:33:
In Reply to: McGarbage. posted by Alex Corey on May 16, 1999 at 23:58:03:

: PS..I meant to list only 2 ways in which multinational exploit, but obviously there are many more. I hope I got through to some people, and I would love to hear some feedback. Unfortunately, many of the people I would like to here from work for these companies, and can't afford a computer. Wayne plays big part in all the lovely garbage incinerators, (about 60 or so),that have gone up all mostly in the last 10 years,in Florida. We import other peoples trash and burn it. HIPHIPHOORAY FOR WAYNE AND REST OF THE GENIUS CREW -- McSpotlight: Moved from the McSpotlight room.

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