Barry,Among the various things I've seen since I've been privy to the folded space of the dimension you travel, I've seen many flying pigs. You commented "History has never suggested otherwise" to support an argument that peacful revolution will not remain focused upon its goal and will abort its ostensible goal in deference to personal self interests. That is the beginning of widom, Barry.
I'd like you to answer this;
What enobles the proletariat?
Why will they forever choose what is good and right?
What moral code do they possess that is so strong as to corral the greed and envy common to man?
Will the proletariat "relinquish its political supremacy" when its human code of conduct has run its course and decayed into anarchy? Will it "choose starvation instead of feeding upon another animal"?
Perhaps only capitalists warrant being rhetorically linked with carnivours but I suggest that a bit more introspection is in order before you begin the shooting and pillaging of capitalism. History is replete with examples of revolutions gone bad. Maybe John Lennon knew something of history.
Stuart Gort