: : use-value is an idiosyncratic (i.e. unquantifiable, and thus conceptually NOT AMENABLE to the measurement of profit) quality of human behavior with AT BEST a tangential relation to the process of profit-making.: Its therefore a bit useless on its own isnt it
SDF: Are you saying that "use-value" is "useless" for the calculation of profit? Have you changed your mind, Gee? Stoller and I have you quoted as saying "Profit is gain based upon use value." Which opinion may we attribute to you, that "Profit is gain based upon use value" or that use-value is useless as a concept for the calculation of profit, and we must use exchange-value instead?
: Well, you lasted a bit longer this time, but that "I am right and you are mere fools" arrogence is hard to resist.
SDF: Are you equivocating in the first sentence of your above post, or is your position consistent across posts? You are of course "free" to follow your lunch-break whims in this regard.