- Capitalism and Alternatives -
I will continue to buy Microsoft products
Posted by: David ( USA ) on October 19, 1999 at 10:51:55:
In Reply to: How to break Windows. posted by Farinata on October 18, 1999 at 18:53:09:

I have no problems agreeing with those of you who point out the advantages of Unix and other OS systems. In fact, I know for a fact that they are better. However, for me personally, Windows 98 works wonderfully. The only things I use my computer for are word processing (and other data processing such as spread sheets, etc.), internet, and playing computer games. Naturally, I choose the operating system that facilitates the greatest in these areas. Windows is that. Not only did it come with all the word/data processing software I need (Mircrosoft Office 2000), it also came with a web browser and instant internet access (although, I will be switching to broadband sometime this month) and it is compatible with all of the computer games I use. It would be silly for me to install a completely new OS when the gains are not all that great. If, however, I were in the position where I was running complex software or using my computer for far more in depth things, then yes, I would switch to a more efficient, less buggy, OS. This is where the free market comes into play. I would say that 90% of computer users are like me. I am even an exception because I have quite a bit of indepth knowledge as to software and computers. Regardless, many of them simply do not want the hassle associated with other OS systems. Some find Mac OS far easier to use and buy them, others buy Windows. I frankly don't really care what people buy. If someone asked me my opinion on what to get, I would ask them what they are going to use it for. If it turns out that they are like me (and 90% of the population) then I would suggest they get Windows. Microsoft products have never let me down and I like their interface. I will continue to buy Microsoft products, not out of principle, but because I feel they put out quality products. Should that change, I would change what products I buy.

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