: Define any market narrowly enough, and you can call it a monopoly. For example, I have a monopoly on me.: I've snipped most of your post because, frankly, most of it is entirely beside the point and, while it displays an enviable knowledge of the recent history of computing, betrays the fact that you apparently know zip about economics. The descriptor "non-commercial" (which you added to "competitor" in reference to Linux) is completely meaningless in the context of economic theory and the nature of monopolies. My point was always that unless Microsoft controls 100% of the market (look up "mono" in the dictionary), it's not a monopoly. If it has any competitors, whether they are "commercial" or "non-commercial" (to adopt your arbitrary wording), it's not a monopoly.
Well, I don't agree with you, and neither does the law; perhaps you'd care to redefine your definition of "monopoly" away from the dictionary and towards the actual usage more.
Microsoft "has a monopoly, has used monopoly, and has harmed consumers,", according to the US justice system.
Perhaps you'd like to argue it out with the DoJ?