Stuart: You think I was born with capital, Barry? I hold only a high school diploma and have received nothing from anyone except talent from God, a work ethic from my parents, and a job from my previous employers...The median income in America is $35, 492 a year.
For those with only a high school education, the median income is $32,295. That gives a telling indication of just how many people in this country do not receive higher education. For those with a B.A. or above, the median income is $59,978 a year.
Obviously, an income of $32,000 a year will not engender an entrepreneurial empire! Those 'self-made men,' entrepreneurs who 'made it' with only a high school diploma are very rare exceptions in a nation where---on the average---access to higher education means an income level twice that of those who cannot. I'm glad you are one of those rare exceptions, Stuart---but statistically speaking, you do not represent the average American.
Source: Statistical Abstract of the United States, 1998, table 740, p. 469.