: I always find this kind of talk amusing. Hmm which box will I be put in next - he must be speaking conservatively or radically, oh the petit bourgeoisness of it all!No, we are not putting you in a box, rather lookuing towards teh ramifications/import/direction of your ideas in relation to otehr ideas and to society.
: By this token you would be nothing more than the typical proletariat, a product of your class seeking your class interest talking socialist talk.
No, because I said that you're ideology is of a petit bourgeois type, I'm fairly convinced you are working class.
: You cannot write an opposing opinion off in this manner without writing yourself off at the same time.
I didn't write it off, I defined it so as to analyse it, a different approach to that of Marcos. You do espouse a mish-mash of opposing and different ideas, but your inherent ideology is that of an Adma Smith style small hodler capitalism- deny it if you please, I'm sure we can debate it.