: : You're welcome to tuck me in, but remember it's potentially dangerous. Someone might accuse you of being in bed with the liberals.: : : I would assume that you are not only an english professor; but a whiner who talks in grandiose terms about the welfare of the world with no specifics except the occasional appeal to a heart string.
: : That would be two more incorrect assumptions that you have. If being
: : able to put a period at the end of a sentence qualifies one as an
: : English professor, then I'll be sending out resumes. And I've been
: : quite specific about the predatory characteristics of capitalism. You,
: : on the other hand, can only offer absurdities about having your spirit
: : uplifted by grasping for dollars.
: Once again you have perverted a statement by referencing your own ignorant assumptions about motive. It is not just about dollars teddy, I have been quite clear about that.
Kevin needs to address the money system, that fact that capitalism is primarily about dollars, rather than proclaiming that "it is not just about dollars" and offering as proof the fact that he has said so already.
: It is too bad that your only knee jerk reaction to someone celebrating a system that rewards personal and team achievement
The reward for Nike's Vietnamese employees, for their personal and team achievements, is more labor. McDonald's employees may also point to a lack of possibility for advancement within that corporate system. Corporate advancement is clearly only one part of the dynamics of capitalism. Ted wants to address the other parts.