- Capitalism and Alternatives -
Posted by: bill on March 25, 1999 at 11:37:47:

If there was any doubt before, there should be none now, that the U.S. represents the most powerful coercive force the world has ever known. American taxpayers have willingly parted with a huge slice of their tax burden to feed the insatiable appetite of a military-industrial complex. Naturally to keep the engine of war machinery going, products must be tested, hardware must be designed, sold, used, made expendable, upgraded and resold. All this dovetails nicely when aims or objectives of military ventures coincide with perceived economic advantage. At the recent arms bazaar in the Middle East, the largest booths by far were those of corporate giants like Ratheon all too eager to show off the various weaponry along with quick trips to watch them being "field tested" in Iraq.Justification for bombing raids is a relatively easy matter. Death or destruction from 5.,000 feet is safe and can made nearly invisible. Getting troops in on the ground will prove to be a more difficult task, but the propaganda campaign has swung into gear. On tonight's "Nightline", Milosovik was compared with Hitler - apparently displacing Saddam Hussein from the thrown. "Hundreds of towns have been burned to the ground in this genocide against ethnic Albanians" reports one State Department official. There have been 1500 casualties thus far in Kosovo. (Meanwhile, a 'block' away sits Turkey. In that unhappy country it is the Kurds who are being slaughtered with over 30,000 casualties, 4,000 villages destroyed, and the forcible relocation of some 3 million. In That case -"We don't interfere with the sovereign integrity of nations" proclaims Washington. "It is 'an internal affair'" …Iraq invaded…Vietnam attacked…and so on. Well of course that's all changed now. It really doesn't matter any more

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