- Capitalism and Alternatives -
So, let me make sure I understand...
Posted by: Crowley ( Australia ) on February 25, 19100 at 11:25:35:
In Reply to: requisite? you've obviously never lived in a dictatorship then? posted by Lark on February 25, 19100 at 00:48:03:

: What element of control? You mean the control of the state and industry by citizens and the working people engaged in the industry? Yeah, that's requisite to Communism or Socialism, we cant have a bunch of private powerful individuals making unaccountable decisions about resources now can we? Oh, yeah, we already do but I mean 'post-revolution'.Am I to understand that there would be no-one in control of what is produced other than the people doing the actual producing? Would anyone co-ordinate what each factory produced? How would the goods be distributed? If they are being distributed by a central agency, how do you decide who is in it? Do the people get a chance to change the governmental system if they decide they don't like it? Does anyoine have power over anyone but themselves? If no, then how are things produced? I will be very interested in the answers.

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