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positivism is an approach that yields results even if some scientists are ready to justify the unjustifiable.
Posted by: mik ( GB ) on February 16, 19100 at 10:14:51:
In Reply to: EARTH LIBERATION FRONT STRIKES!!!! posted by Garloo on February 15, 19100 at 13:38:14:

I don't think your nuts for advocating a position based on rationalism and research based conclusions. This has been the basis of all the huge advances in mankinds history, not only technological but spiritual and moral. However, caution must be suggested, many, many scientists are just flunkies and justifiers of out-right nasty bastards, bent on arguing for their paymasters. This does not mean that we should throw out the baby with the bath-water, positivism is an approach that yields results even if some scientists are ready to justify the unjustifiable. The dive into simple emotionalism, romanticism and the elevation of 'Earth' over the human remains a key feature of the Nazi movement, who as Vegans, Ecologists,animal rights activists and worshippers of the 'Earth-Mother' Gaia also happened to be Genocidists and evil bastards of a major order. The fluffy 'bunny hugger' image of the green activist of nowadays belies that fact that there is nothing inevitably in the notions of ecology that directs it towards a social conscience. That is the political context in which such ideas are interpreted. Your average Green activist of today is just as likely to support crappy Malthusian ideas and use this to justify destruction of a part of the Human race- they are as likely to be some Right-wing idiot as they are some left-wing structural analyst. just go and check out the crass emotionalism and genocidal hatred of the 'Deep-ecology' movement or the activities of Nazi groups in Europe.

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