[snip]: Yoroshiku onegeishimasu,
Arigato! Natto!
: Well, I asked because I think the question of capitalism does boil down to one of morality, even though my Trotskyist friends have strong (and convincing) arguments to the contrary.
Of course it boils down to morality. Why else would anyone bother to critique capitalism, if not out of concern for right and wrong and the proper way to treat people? Are the Trots simply self-absorbed rationalists whose only concern is themselves, i.e., they seek Communism only because that will insure their own well-being? The few Trots I've met have seemed to crazed to ask...maybe you can ask them for me.
: Looking forward to hearing from you.
Give me a little time and I'll email you my veggie saga.
: Go Red Sox!
Go Cosmos!