- Capitalism and Alternatives -
The thoughts of Chairman Lark.
Posted by: Lark on February 03, 19100 at 11:09:18:

- It is the duty of every socialist and man or women of goodwill to oppose oppression regardless of the author or the victim. -It is the duty of every socialist and man or women of goodwill to oppose discrimination regardless of the author or the victim. -It is the duty of every socialist and man or women of goodwill to oppose nepotism regardless of the author or the benefactor. -It is the duty of every socialist and man or women of goodwill to seek to resolve all problems through direct action. -It is the duty of every socialist and man or women of goodwill to oppose destruction of the environment regardless of the author. -It is the duty of every socialist and man or women of goodwill to be suspiscious of privilege or authority regardless of the origin or current author or subjects. -It is the duty of every socialist and man or women of goodwill to respect democratic descisions but to pursue consensual democracy and combat the perception and operation of democracy as majoritarianism. -It is the duty of every socialist and man or women of goodwill to temper all civil libertarianism with a resolute or 'puritanical' intolerance of criminality, deviance and anti-social or asocial behaviour. -It is the duty of every socialist and man or women of goodwill to develop a culture of resolute consideration for others seeking to persuade people enagaged in non-violent anti or asocial activities of their mistake, this should be regardles of the author. -It is the duty of every socialist and man or women of goodwill to seek the transformation of society from the present state to truely voluntary association, combat orsticism, unintentional eliteism and 'establishment' or 'privileged' cultures. -It is the duty of every socialist and man or women of goodwill to oppose all things that counter these goals and principles.

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