: : I understand where you're coming from, and don't totally disagree, but there is a definite difference between the Democrats and Republicans, : SDF: Not really. Shrub has dropped the Christian Coalition. I wouldn't expect anything different from him than from Gore.
Now who's the dupe? Shrub has embraced every CC concern, he's just not as obvious about it as Keyes or Bauer. Gore won't seek to outlaw abortion; Bush will.
: : and my main concern is the makeup of the Supreme Court under the next President. Rehnquist, O'Connor, Ginsburg, and Stevens all stand a good chance of leaving the Court, and there is a hell of a difference between the moderates like Souter, and lunatics like Scalia, and I guarantee you that Bush (or McCain or Forbes) will appoint Scalias, while Bush or Bradley would appoint Souters. For that reason alone, even if they're all globalizing capitalists, I'm voting for Gore or Bradley;
: SDF: Go! Go! WTO!
Go, go, states rights and more executions! That's what you'll get from the Supreme Court if all you're concerned about is the WTO.
: The Democrats are capable of doing all of the things the Republicans want to do, only the Democrats are cleverer at it, because they put all the phony liberals to sleep first. The environmental movement has been asleep since Clinton b
If Dole was President, the Artic Wildlife Refuge would be filled with oil drillers right now.
As for principles, SDF, thank god I'm not as rigid as you. Small progressives changes can do a hell of a lot more for the poor than screaming for massive change or nothing, and getting nothing. That might make you feel better, but it does shit for the poor.