*So I'm breezing along, when I come across this article which has Elian Gonzales' Grandmothers travelling all the way from Cuba => New York City => Washington D.C. to make a plea to Attorney General Reno for the return of their Grandson to Cuba. Then I come across this gem from the tender hearted 22 year old US raised cousin:
U.S. officials have said it would be fine if the grandmothers want to meet with Elian, but it would have to be arranged with his Miami relatives.
In Miami, family spokesman Armando Gutierrez said that none of the relatives was going to Washington to meet with Reno and the grandmothers because, "They were not invited."
Elian's cousin, 22-year-old Marisleysis Gonzalez said the grandmothers were afraid to come to Miami to see the boy because, "He's going to tell them that he wants to stay here as he's always said."
*What a bitch! If this were true, they must be so proud of themselves... contorting the mind of a 5/6 year old child, sick with grief and fear, with gifts and goodies and a new puppy to boot! 'Quick! There's a camera! Let's wrap him in the flag again!'
Someone needs to do an intervention here before it's too late.