: : *What a bitch! If this were true, they must be so proud of themselves... contorting the mind of a 5/6 year old child, sick with grief and fear, with gifts and goodies and a new puppy to boot! 'Quick! There's a camera! Let's wrap him in the flag again!': :
: : Someone needs to do an intervention here before it's too late.
: I agree, I mean, the kid has gone under so much stress lately--his mother drowning to death, him having to cling to an inner tube for two days in the atlantic. I really don't care about idealogoy in this case--just what is best for the kid. If he is better off in the U.S. going to school and living with relatives than fine, however, if he wants to go back with his grandmothers and live with his father, than his wishes must be respected.
: Now, as to the issue of his father, one side claims that the father is estranged, while the other claims that his father loves him dearly. There is really no evidence to support either claim. In my opinion, I believe there was some sort of trouble at home--enough to cause Elian's mother to take her and her son and risk their life to get away and go to America.
: Just my views on the subject.
*Estranged literally means "to turn away in feeling or affection." In this case that means the father was divorced from the mother. What gits like Gee want to plant in your mind is "unfit as a parent."
On the other hand, strapping a 5 year old to an inner-tube is apparently to be taken as the height good parental judgement and so, the mother and stepfather who charged $1000 a head to float people across to Florida are to be considered 'heroic.'