- Capitalism and Alternatives -
A broadside...
Posted by: Frenchy on January 12, 19100 at 10:54:42:
In Reply to: Yeah, Well They Shut Down McCarthy Too... posted by Krasny on January 11, 19100 at 22:20:10:

OK, you got your dig in K, now what have you got to say about the article? The reason that I post so much stuff is because it comes from a third party. It isn't my experience, it isn't my opinion, it isn't the rantings of a wacked out cammy-clad militia wanna be; it's the story of real people who have lived the life that you and others strive for. That's the result. Don't hide your eyes, don't pretend that Comrade Castro didn't understand Socialism/Communism when he was struggling to gain power; he understood it better than you, and the people that you read about, the ones trying to escape by home made rafts, understand it better than you too. If you and your ilk ever got the reins of power there is no doubt in my mind that the same thing that happened in other countries would happen here. It is the nature of the beast.

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