- Capitalism and Alternatives -
Yeah, Well They Shut Down McCarthy Too...
Posted by: Krasny ( Internationale, All Countries... ) on January 11, 19100 at 22:20:10:
In Reply to: C-C-C-Can't we all j-j-just get along? posted by Frenchy on January 11, 19100 at 20:56:59:

...no one in their right mind thought of that as 'censorship.' No one is saying that you can't argue, make a point by citing supporting articles, etc. When your only point is to post some snippet of an article, then you are nothing more than a mindless spambot IMO.So far as my own modest BBS goes... I have exercised the delete function on one occasion and blocked the url of some cretin who only knew how to post (unexpurgated) words like f*ck, sh*t, and motherf*cker... undoubtedly your intellectual accompli. In fact, I doubt I would even delete your tripe over at The Mass since there is no pretense that the board there is dedicated to debate and discussion per se (it is merely 'encouraged'). This site (one hopes) is a different story. I have to admit that this site has much more vitality than anything else of its kind that I've come across. They should guard this quality jealously and take steps to prevent it becoming the personal sandbox of those in love with the sight of their alias marking a post as a dog marks a fire hydrant. --K
 -- McSpotlight: We do our best. And you should see some of the stuff we reject...

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