: No Lark, you are an anti-capitalist who wants God to endorse his ideology. That's even more self absorbed than the aforementioned group.Forget it Stuart, I was a Christian before I was a socialist or whatever and it from the christian position that I asked myself and teachers etc. 'Hey, if we're all gods children and he doesnt have favourites why are their rich and poor?' etc.
I'm not trying to foust collectivism on it, it's already there.
: You characterize capitalism as "avarice, philistine selfishness and greed" but that only characterizes some people within it.
Jesus didnt go around differentating between the good and bad money lenders now did he? Or did he say there are good and bad rich people now the bad ones will have a problem getting to heaven not the rest.
:What you fail to acknowledge is that these are characteristics common to man. A socialistic system will have any number of problems as a result of these negative characteristics yet you think otherwise.
The 'it's natural' argument is rubbish, I mean those things are not natural of me so am I unnatural, super natural or super being? I doubt it some how.
:God didn't come to set up collectivism, Lark.
'Let it be done on earth as it is in heaven' the man did say not me, now go and revise that.
:He came to die for our sins which always results in the destruction of man centered aspirations. You must know this if you are a believer. Do you really believe God has ordained one economic system as preferred above all others?
I really do because Jesus wasnt a shaman he was an activist.