- Capitalism and Alternatives -
No Lark,
Posted by: Stuart Gort ( USA ) on January 10, 19100 at 10:33:59:
In Reply to: He's a pretty militant anti-capitalist, although I dont see that in your posts. posted by Lark on December 29, 1999 at 10:58:55:

: Anytime I've read the bible, and afterall it's meant to be the voice of god jotted down through intermediaries, he hasnt been that keen on avarice, philistine selfishness and greed, all in all he's a pretty militant anti-capitalist, although I dont see that in your posts.: Attack authoritarianism, fine, attack violent government, fine but dont see all that as synominous with what we're in favour of, it's a bit nasty to insuate such things you jerk! No Lark, you are an anti-capitalist who wants God to endorse his ideology. That's even more self absorbed than the aforementioned group. You characterize capitalism as "avarice, philistine selfishness and greed" but that only characterizes some people within it. What you fail to acknowledge is that these are characteristics common to man. A socialistic system will have any number of problems as a result of these negative characteristics yet you think otherwise. God didn't come to set up collectivism, Lark. He came to die for our sins which always results in the destruction of man centered aspirations. You must know this if you are a believer. Do you really believe God has ordained one economic system as preferred above all others? Stuart Gort

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