: If even ONE worker is not at the required work station, all production halts. Such is the character of the assembly-line; such is the nature of industrialized labor.Its an interesting point. You have been keen to say how socialism requires the activity of all those capitalists over a duration in order for the bedrock to be created. You need capitalism prior to taking over.
Have you considered that it may be way too soon - that now, in the year 2000, the way people live is simply not compatible. Not until those 'evil capitalists' have prepared even greater technologies which do almost all the laboring in productive industry without man, leaving only the more flexible 'circulation' work, will there be even the dimmest chance of a successful socialist society without the compulsion the socialists on this board reject?
Incidently, as all this will come about due to capitalism (albeit heavily 'mixed'), and due to the motivations of those people within capitalism - how can you be sure that things will still be done as eagerly and as well when you have removed that which made it possible in the first place? What kind of total shift will you need in people?
: preindustrial labor. Which is also known as scarcity and poverty.