- Capitalism and Alternatives -
Sufficient reason
Posted by: Nikhil Jaikumar ( DSA, MA, USA ) on December 23, 1999 at 16:24:35:
In Reply to: Order in the house...! posted by Rex on December 22, 1999 at 21:03:47:

But McSpolight, Don't you think that we have supplied sufficient reason for calling certain people fascists? In your archives there is the case of a poster who supplied a link to the National Alliance or something and you rightly identified the poster as a Nazi. Isn't such a response also valid in the case of someone supplying a link to teh Aryan Whiyte Brotherhood.-- McSpotlight: In an ideal world, you could call people whatever you like; but the label "fascist" has acquired a knee-jerk quality to it; people cannot see it without replying back twice as hard; which is why we are asking people not to use it. After all, if they are a fascist, it's pretty obvious; and if they're not, it's insulting and inaccurate; either the statement is superfluous and insulting, or it's just plain superfluous.

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