: My first point is that certain skills require constant upkeep in order to maintain a high degree of competency. Doctors cannot go for long periods of time of inactivity and not have their skill suffer. Similarly, a musician needs to constantly practice and play their instruments in order to excel at them. Although I think I addressed this objection at the bottom of this post, I will reiterate my point. . .
: As a musician who plays 3 brass instruments (Tuba (classical), trombone (jazz), Euphonium (Classical)) if I go for two days without playing for at least one hour, the muscles in my lips atrophy and my embouchure weakens. This is even worse on the oboe, where a week of not playing can pretty much negate any competency you might have had.
Yet here you are, on the debate board---letting your musical skills atrophy.
I bet you even take time to do your school studies, too.
Maybe you even take time to read those Ayn Rand comic books as well.
Yet you remain a 'muscian.'
BTW, this post may be of some interest to you.