Hello,Capitalism is good only for those who really benefit from it. It is an unfair, aggressive and Fascist system. Capitalism lets millions of people all about the world starve to death while it only supports its own. The devil really cares for his own.
Communism in the Soviet Union failed because swinedogs like Stalin destroyed it. The war against Germany 1941-44 drained Russia of its power, creating a splendid ground for the capitalist system in the Western World to immediately seize the advantage. The Soviet Union thereupon kept its front for fifty years, being forced to raise walls, since people weak in spirit, tried to work against the union from within. While Gorbachev was no weak leader by any means, his actions soon led to the defeat.
I am sure the Soviet Union would have created the World Union within fifty years if not opposed by strong fascist movements in the west, in China and within the union itself. Weak people who desired own riches and well-being, over offering to the community as a whole, these were the people who won the day.
And damn them materialist, capitalist fascists. Damn them. They are the reason I am suffering today! But they are also the reason I look forward to a new cleansing evolution!
Göran Frilund
The most red of all Communists