- Capitalism and Alternatives -
Posted by: Red Deathy ( Socialist Party, UK ) on November 26, 1999 at 12:05:35:
In Reply to: Karl who?? posted by Frenchy on November 26, 1999 at 11:37:51:

: Again, why would anyone care about what Marx has to say about history given his biased interpretation? But that wasn't his interpretation, what he was saying was that socialism was imminant inn history, that humanity was repeadedly striving to achieve a classless society, but that only Capitalism made the conditions for its full realisation. he was specifically looking to history, to previous societies, and had swathes upon swathesn of anthropological notes, he saw those societies as in fact showing teh tendancy of human history, of the species form, towards socialism. Don't you read responces or something?

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