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Your argument is fantastic, here's a threat and that's it

Posted by: Lark on March 02, 19100 at 15:12:02:

In Reply to: God is very real... posted by Bethany on March 02, 19100 at 10:28:45:

: How can anyone doubt that God exists? He is so real!

That is very, very easy, there is a great deal of socialisation at play to begin with, when I was small I believed without doubt and thought people who didnt where ridiculous but then I've been exposed to the media etc. since then, thankfully I think because it's given be a taste for critical rationality.

:Think about it this way, if you beleive in God and acept him as your Savior and live your life devoted to Him...you will, without a doubt, go to live with Him in Heaven.

I predict that before this post is finished the religious terrorism of the zealous evangelist will have sneaked in, that is, we're going to heaven if you dont confrom to us you'll burn in hell.

Right if I'm to devote my life to Christ or God or Whatever I want a five point plan for what that entails, what practical actions I must take because I'm already a (Practicing) Catholic and a (Practicing) Socialist so I'd have thought I was reserved a place already.

Would a just god send the Pigmias to hell?

:If you don't beleive and spend your life living for something else (as the human nature must live for something), even if you were a good person, you'd go to spend eternity with the devil in Hell. the bible states clearly that hell is like eternal TORTURE! (sounds fun don't it)

Your argument is fantastic, here's a threat and that's it, how's it meant to convince anyone? A lot of the Christians I know live a life on the model of the Rich Young Man, The Pharisees, Sadducies and Scribes, The racialism of the Jews has translated well for a lot of the Christian Identity Cultists and Nasty Southern American Schools.

:So, you are way better off having a loving Father in Heaven who is down here right now sitting beside you as you read this, than to miss your chance at Heaven. you doubt Heaven exists? Well you'd be better safe than sorry right?

Better safe than sorry? Isnt that agnosticism?

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