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Jesus Christ's Big Bang
Posted by: Deep Dad Nine on January 24, 19100 at 10:07:45:

I've just seen the most amazing damn thing on TV. For an hour or two I was glued to a TV documentary that gave the most interesting, detailed, comprehensive, mind expanding, explanation of big bang cosmology I have ever seen or read. It covered everything: the hubble telescope, galaxy formation, multidimensional space-time, particle physics, geology, quasars. Through a cosmic trip, starting at Earth, moving progressively toward to the outer edges of space and then into the planc scale of subatomic phenomenon they attempted to trace the origins of creation. When they arrived at Big Bang's ground zero I could hardly stand the suspense. Then the narrator looked deep into the camera and said "Scientist agree, that the only reasonable explanation for who caused the Big Bang was Jesus Christ"!!!My jaw fell open so hard I think I sprained a muscle. What kind of 'scientist' would make such an idiotic inference? What human being of any kind, for that matter, could in good conscience, submit such an inference as logical, scientific, and the 'only reasonable' one? I couldn't see how one single peice of data presented in the entire show pointed to this specific charatcer (Jesus) in this specific book (the Holy Bible). And yet this guy was saying that the scientific community generally agrees that ALL of the evidence in this documentary points to Jesus Christ! I've never been so confused in all my life. Where was my mind at while I was watching this show? I THOUGHT I was paying VERY close attention, but somehow, according to the scientific community, I missed the whole damn point of the whole thing! I guess I'm just a complete retard. Does anyone know what documentary I am referring to and where I could get a copy of it so I can watch the damn thing again? Can anyone explain to me how I missed every single scrap of the this overwhelming evidence of Jesus Christ being the exclusive creator of the universe?

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