: Not this old chestnut again, Lark; you still haven't replied to my response the last time you brought this up.I like to think my ideas have evolved a bit, I dont exactly know where we where in that debate so lets just debate from here.
: Bottom line; they are people, dammit.
No disagreement. I'm not a gay basher.
: And the next time you think that the heterosexual lifestyle isn't shouted from the rooftops, go out and count the number of advertising hoardings, films, TV programmes, magazines and newspapers that show partially or completely nude women.
If that annoys homosexuals then hopefully they will subscribe to the idea that two wrongs do not make a right.
: Whether you like it or not, the heterosexual lifestyle is advertised every bit as much as the homosexual lifestyle.
: My opinion, I repeat: what's in someone's head and heart matters far more than what's in their trousers.
OK but do they have to make their private lives public business?