- Anything Else -
Posted by: Nikhil Jaikumar ( DSA, MA, USA ) on September 09, 1999 at 11:24:41:
In Reply to: A bigger challenge for ALL Creationists posted by Deep Dad Nine on September 07, 1999 at 22:37:59:

Yes, you've got the gist of evolution, except for one point; the traits that give advantage to an organism must be heritable, otherwise no natural selection can occur. Evolution can be summed up in the following manner. 1) organisms are slightly different genetically from each other and their parents, and this translates into physical and behavioral differences. This is due to mutation and recombination of the chromosomes. 2) however, organisms of the same species are close enough to each other to breed 9with some important exceptions, e.g. when a plant doubles its chromosome set by accidnet, it can't breed with others in its 'species'. 3) there is a struggle for survival. 4) some individuals will survive better than others, and reproduce more. 5) their descendants will become dominant and 6) the advantage is heritable.

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