Shaun: "... Animals regularly wallow in thier own filth. Animals eat raw meat. Sometimes they eat thier own feces. Unneutered male dogs hump furniture and people's legs. Perhaps some animals even have gay sex with each other. Does that me it is normal for humans to do all of the things I mentioned? Of course not...."Yeah, and some humans brush their hair. Some don't. Some humans wear makeup. Some don't. Some eat broccoli. Some don't. Some talk to themselves. Some don't. Humans may not hump furniture very often, but many masturbate. Some (few) don't. Who cares? Why should you give a flying donkey's ass who does and who doesn't? None of these things hurt you or others, (except in the case of makeup which is tested on animals.) Mind your business, stop being so judgemental, and learn to accept that some people have different harmless habits than you do. You may not like watching it happen, but you also might not like seeing me pick my nose or take a crap or yank my weiner. So just don't watch.
And as for Doc Cruel's comments about lemon suckers, he should mind his business too. Why get all huffy about a few lemons? Same with homosexuality. It ain't hurtin' a soul. If you know that calling it deviant is going to add to the persecution, why do it?