: The hell? What does this have to do with freedom>? i want to know if muslim women have the freedom to wear veils if tehy so wish, or if the pseudoliberal french Regime has the right to prohibit them. It has a lot to do with freedom- lets pose a different qwuestion- in otehr countries, and in muslim communities, do these women have freedomt o *not* where the veil? You implied you did not believe the feminists who claim such clothong is a means of repression, I pointed out that it is, and it is so for the very reasons the muslims describe for its use.
If the French banned crosses in their schools, I would not mind, but I know pretty much that the banning is a deliberately anti-islamic act, of a sort popular in post-colonial frqance because islam is viewed as a threat.
Frankly, I reckon people should wear what they like.