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The issue is Freedom of Dress
Posted by: Nikhil Jaikumar ( Americans for Rent Control, MA, USA ) on July 08, 1999 at 11:04:15:
In Reply to: Closer Look... posted by Red Deathy on July 07, 1999 at 16:33:47:

: : Depends on whom you ask. Muslims, including Muslim women, argue that its purpose is to shield and protect women from lustful attention and harassment. This seems to be what Muslims think, so it's the reason i, as a non-Muslim, would accept. Some western feminists however, including some people i know, believe that its purpose was to subjugate women. : Looking closer, they're both saying the same thing- the Muslim argument is that the men cannot control their own sexuality, and thus the onus is on the woman to avoid enticing them- further, this is so in order to secure the famillial property rights over her hymen/cunt in a propriatorial marriage system (Same as was practised in feudal europe). Effectively their bodies become for their husbands' eyes only. The hell? What does this have to do with freedom>? i want to know if muslim women have the freedom to wear veils if tehy so wish, or if the pseudoliberal french Regime has the right to prohibit them.

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