:you're views are wrong and damagingDamaging? A view? That's not very libertarian. O.K. so I'm doing it now, accusing you of being anti-liberty because we disagree. I fail to see how my views damage anyone.
: Well, its only important to them because people keep insisiting that 'its unnatural', or that its filthy disgusting etc. and claiming its natural is just the flip side of that discourse.
Either way its a dead stop, the debate is parked over whether its natural or not.
: But the naturality argument only applies as much as other folks claim its unnatural, which is a heavilly ideological claim- nature doesn't matter, and is irrelevent to either side.
: No, because an adult can make an informed consensual decision to engage in soddomy or whatever, a child cannot. that argument is tantamount to denying us free will.
And long may you think that but there was a stage at which sex with a same sex partner was viewed in the same light as sex with children. Persoanlly I wish that was the way it was now.
: Your words man, your words.
Yes Red Guilty put my head in that noose for the grand charge of not measuring up to "true" libertarianism, "true" Socialism etc.
: I don't know, join teh campiagn to help- first we need to abolish property and poverty, and then we can all fuck like wesels on heat guilt free ;)
Excuse me while a copiously vomit.
: Thats not quite what happened, but I would share a platform and debate openly and honsetly with them.
That just wasnt what was going to happen in that Church now was it, heaps of respect for others from the homo lobby there.
: Yes, because thats a campiagn, to demand recognition, and get gay liberation, so that it can become an irrelevent fact. Its alos a damned fine luagh by the looks of it.
I dont think it's funny and what's more I think the gey liberation you talk of has happened everything now is about attention seeking. Sex is a private matter not a public matter.
: If God does exist, I'm vaguely damned due to a few unfortunate wanking incedents...unless the Policy change on that one is retroactive
What? I dont reckon God would damn you for stupid things like that, if he did he'd be a pretty fickle God, infact he'd be more like a human than a God. This is a different debate though isnt it.