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Who else beleives it would be a good Idea to destroy Serbia Utterly?

Posted by: Lark ( ICA, Ireland ) on March 24, 1999 at 15:22:31:

I think the Serbs record is as bad as the Nazis and their current ethnic cleasing and scorched earth initiaatives demonstrate how they're happy to borrow directly from Hitlers political initatives.

That's not to mention the fact that the rolled into the UN safe zone in Bosnia and massacred everyone there while the most powerful nations of the world jsut watched.

It's because we cant stomach a fight, it's time we all said Fuck you you little facist shits and tore them to peaces. The serbian nation should cease to exist it should be split up and shared among the neighbouring naitons and if it takes the most authoritarian marshall law to enact this then fine, it's their sinning that's brought it on them.

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