: See the Bible says that you KNOW their is a God, even if you are too foolish to admit it. And you are right...I have no desire to go to HELL either. (I know, I know you don't believe in that either). You'll know soon enough that both Heaven and Hell are real. I think people who pretend to be atheist are fools of the first degree.Look, you are just presupposing that god exists, without any objective proof in the matter. Of ourse the bible is going to give some crap that we all know god. The bible is, after all a piece of religous propaganda. So why would it say any different.
There are good reasons to think the bible is not the truth.-(here are a few):
The old and new testaments are contradictory; the 12 testametns, written in the first century BC form thwe basis of the new testament (ie Jesus was not their orignator); the old testament makes use of a variety of myths that were orignally found in older cultures (eg babylon, greece, egypt); the jews learnt circumcission off the egyptians, it was not 'ordained by god'; ...