WARNING - the information on this page is company propaganda, produced to persuade you to buy more of McDonald's products. Parts of it may be deliberately misleading.

Policy Equal Opportunities Group Women Disability
Policy Crew Members Business Managment Programme
Junior Business Management Programme Part-Time Management Scheme
Crew rates and benefits Salaried rates and benefits
Education Awards Books Programme
To recruit people who have a positive attitude towards customers,
themselves and other employees and who are capable of
delivering the highest standards of quality, service and cleanliness
to our customers.
To employ local people wherever possible.
To ensure that employees and job applicants are selected, trained,
promoted and treated on the basis of their relevant skills, talents
and performance and without reference to race, colour, nationality,
ethnic origin, gender, marital status or disability.
To provide a clean, safe, healthy and enjoyable working
To provide training and development for all employees to enable
them to achieve the highest level of skills possible.
To provide career opportunities which allow employees to develop
to their full potential.
To provide challenging and rewarding work.
To pay for performance.
To communicate effectively with all employees via crew meetings,
one-to-one discussions, publications and regular opinion surveys.
To encourage the educational pursuits of employees through the
McDonald's Books, Education and Scholarship programmes which
provide financial support to qualifying employees who are
undertaking a recognised course of study.
Within the restaurant structure, there are three main levels of
recruitment at McDonald's; hourly paid employees, Junior Business
Managers and Management trainees.
Hourly paid employees are offered the benefit of flexible working
arrangements to suit an individual's specific requirements.
Hourly paid company employees as of Dec 1994 (excluding
franchised restaurants):
51.70% are male
48.30% are female
90.23% work 35 hours per week or less
64.55% are aged 20 or under
32.02% are aged between 21 and 39 inclusive
8.93% are aged over 30
McDonald's is an equal opportunity employer, ensuring employees
and job applicants are selected, trained, promoted and treated on
the basis of their relevant skills, talents and performance and
without reference to race, colour, nationality, ethnic origin, gender,
marital status or disability.
In support of this, McDonald's also has a policy on Sexual and
Racial Harassment.
McDonald's deplores all forms of sexual and racial harassment and
seeks to ensure that the working environment is comfortable and
secure for all employees.
The person responsible for these policies is the Assistant Vice
President of Human Resources, but it is the responsibility of all
employees, particularly managers and supervisors, to ensure the
day-to-day practical application of the policies.
The Human Resources Department monitors the effectiveness of
the policies at regular intervals and takes such corrective action as
may be necessary to ensure that they are being complied with.
Employees who feel that they have been unfairly treated in any way
regarding these policies are encouraged to use the remedies
outlined in the company's Crew and Employee Handbooks.
An Equal Opportunities Group was set up at the beginning of 1992
to evaluate and, where necessary, amend existing policies and
procedures and to develop and monitor the effective
implementation of positive action programmes. A report
summarising the Group's progress is submitted to the Board of
Directors on a regular basis.
Opportunity 2000 is a campaign set up by Business in the
Community and chaired by Lady Howe to increase the quality and
quantity of women's participation in the work force by the year
As a company committed to equality of opportunity for all,
McDonald's became an active member of the Opportunity2000 campaign
in 1992. The company's goal is to increase the percentage of women
holding middle and senior management positions throughout the company
by 50%.
31 % of McDonald's junior management positions are held by
In 1991, McDonald's introduced a Company Maternity Pay Policy
giving employees with qualifying service an additional eight weeks
full pay while on maternity leave and a Paternity Leave policy
to give men with qualifying service, five days paid paternity leave.
A Part-Time Management Programme was introduced in 1989 to
assist employees where the care of dependent children necessitates
a move to part-time employment.
Sexual and Racial Harassment Policy was introduced in 1993
to support the existing Equal Opportunities Policy.
McDonald's is a member of the Employers'Forum on Disability
which exists to help companies to recognise, recruit and develop
the careers of people with disabilities. McDonald's is committed
to the Employers'Agenda on Disability and the Ten Points for Action
as drawn up by the Employers' Forum on Disability.
In 1993 Paul Preston, McDonald's Chief Executive Officer, was
appointed Chairman of the Employers' Forum on Disability.
McDonald's restaurants, head office and regional offices are all
designed to allow ease of access for employees and visitors who
have special needs.
McDonald's is one of several companies piloting the 'Disability
Leave Guide for Employers'which was launched in 1993 by The Right
Honorable Gillian Shepherd MP, the Secretary of State for Employment.
This programme was the result of a study undertaken by the RNIB
in 1990. Disability Leave is a period of time off work for a newly
disabled person, or a person whose condition has deteriorated,
during which time their employment is protected.
Equal Opportunities monitoring for all salaried employees was
introduced in 1991.
Equal Opportunities monitoring for all hourly paid employees will
be introduced in 1995.
The monitoring of equal opportunities statistics will allow the
Company to more effectively assess the implementation of Equal
Opportunities Policies.
It is the goal of McDonald's to develop the highest level of skill
among all employees. Therefore, a common training programme
has been established to develop staff and to meet the training
needs of the company.
McDonald's Head of Training is responsible for implementing and
directing the training programme throughout the company.
Operations Supervisors and Restaurant Management participate in
the programme and are responsible for individual restaurant
Each crew member receives on-the-job training in every area of
the restaurant.
Full-time staff are fully trained on all stations in the restaurant
within five months; part-time within ten months.
All 5-star crew members receive a Basic Certificate in Food
Hygiene, validated by the Institution of Environmental Health Off
A management programme for those over 21 aiming for a direct
route into restaurant management following an intensive and structured
training course.
All managers follow the Management Development Programme.
The first three months cover the three fundamental areas of the
business; food preparation, cooking, serving customers in clean
and hygienic surroundings. This is followed by a series of 12 training
courses designed to back up what is learnt in the restaurant and
develop management, communication and leadership.
When promoted to Restaurant Manager, training continues
through the Advanced Operations Course covering staff development,
motivation, stressmanagement,communication and leadership.
The Junior Business Management Programme is open to A level
school leavers and is combined with day release for study in a
recognised business qualification such as a BTEC, HNC, HND or
Degree. The course lasts for 92 weeks, working from a restaurant,
learning management skills through practical experience.
The Part-Time Management Scheme allows salaried employees to
move to part-time employment giving flexibility to their career.
Managers must work a minimum of two 8 hour shifts a week. All
hours are agreed with the Operations Manager and salary based
upon the degree of flexibility offered to the company.
Salaries and benefits are reviewed on a regular basis with
increases being performance related.
Average hourly rates of pay for employees in company-owned
restaurants as of January 1995:
London | Midlands | North |
£3.96 | £3.73 | £3.72 |
Freemeal allowance
4 weeks holiday after qualifying period
Free life assurance (value dependent upon service)
PPP (for employees aged 19+ with 3+ years service)
Education programmes
Stock Purchase Scheme
Effective from 1.1.95
Operations Manager | £30,000
- 40,000 |
Supervisor | £20,000 - 28,000 |
Restaurant Manager | £15,000 - 23,000 |
Asst. Manager | £13,000 - 18,000 |
2nd Asst. Manager | £11,500
- 14,000 |
Trainee Manager | £11,000 |
Business Manager | £9,000 |
PPP (including spouse and dependent children)
BUPA Healthscreen (Operations Manager and office equivalent)
Pension Scheme (includes life assurance and long term disability)
Holidays (4 weeks per year, 5 weeks after 3 years service)
Company Car (for restaurant managers with 18 months service -
12 months in inner London)
Clothing Allowance (P-150 per year for restaurant staff)
Bonus Scheme
President's Award (bonus of 1/3 basic salary for selected
Sabbatical (8 weeks paid leave for every 1 0 years service)
Company sick pay (4 weeks full pay in any tax year)
Profit Related Pay Scheme (up to 94,000 or 20% of salary)
Stock Option Scheme
StockPurchase Plan
Telephone Assistance (restaurant manager and above)
Company loan scheme (up to!E500repayableover1year)
Further Education Assistance
Relocation Assistance (when at the request of the company)
Maternity and Paternity Leave programmes
Published quarterly for all crew members throughout the UK.
Published quarterly for all management staff throughout the UK.
Published quarterly for all franchisees throughout the UK.
'Bright Ideas', McDonald's employee suggestion scheme is
currently being piloted in the Midlands so that ideas for continuous
improvement or cost savings can be taken on board.
Electronic mail will be in all restaurants by the end of 1995.
Annually, every restaurant gives up to three Education Awards,
depending upon the number of employees. Those eligible have to
be hourly paid, have over one year's service and have achieved an
agreed level of performance.
The Education Awards are for 2250 to cover tuition fees or course
Employees studying externally and wanting financial assistance to
meet the cost of course books can receive up to 950 annually.
Grants are available to all hourly paid employees who have worked
for 6 months or more and achieved an agreed level of
All McDonald's restaurants work to standards which meet the
highest'best practice' guidelines for Building and Health and Safety
Should an incident occur in a restaurant, staff have the
necessary training to offer first aid. Company Accident Investigating
Guidelines require the manager to document the incident and, where
appropriate, carry out an investigation. The Health and Safety
Department closely monitors all such matters.
In 1994, the company achieved the highest award level ever
made under the ROSPA Quality Safety Audit (QSA) scheme. The QSA
encompasses all industries and measures management commitment and
action towards continued improvement of health and safety.
McDonald's has a three year Health and Safety Management
Plan with progress monitored every three months.
The company has a National Corporate Safety Officer, three
Regional Health and Safety Advisors and retains the services of
two external consultants - a specialist from ROSPA (The Royal Society
for the Prevention of Accidents) and the other a Fellow of the
Institution of Environmental Health Officers.
A Senior Vice President heads up the multi-discipline Health and
Safety Steering Group which meets regularly to address all aspects
of health and safety in the restaurants.
Health and Safety training for staff is a priority. Restaurant
Managers undertake a one day specialist health and safety course
accredited by the Institution of Environmental Health Officers,
and middle management and training personnel take a longer course.
There is also specific safety training for dining area staff.
Each restaurant has a Safety Coordinator. This is usually a
member of the management team who will oversee safety management
systems as well as chairing the employee Safety Circle meetings.
Restaurant Safety Circles meet regularly and provide a forum for
staff to discuss safety issues and implement agreed action plans.
Key issues are incorporated as part of the ongoing national Health
and Safety Management Plan.
As part of their development, all restaurant managers receive
training to become qualified first aiders. There will always be at
least one qualified first aider in any restaurant at any one time.
All employees receive safety training before they are allowed to
start work.
Relevant safety aspects are incorporated in training, both for
employees and managers.
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