Day 273 - 03 Jul 96 - Page 19
1 A. No. The concept, the whole point of the fayre,
2 fayres, from the time they were conceived by me, was to
3 present a positive alternative to the world of
4 multinationals, profit, commercialism. It was to show that
5 the alternative was not only more ethical but also fun, and
6 that was the point behind having face painting. At the
7 first fayre we also had a puppet show for children and we
8 had a guy who built a recycling machine on the stage with a
9 bicycle. You know, it was about fun as well.
11 Q. Okay. And is that what you have just described, or is it
12 not part of your motivation for calling, for being involved
13 in the anti-McDonald's campaign?
14 A. Yes, yes.
16 Q. Okay. There was one question I wanted to ask about tab 71,
17 if you can just open that. It was a little unclear when it
18 came up before in your evidence.
19 A. Yes.
21 Q. Mr. Rampton asked you was this poster produced by London
22 Greenpeace, and you remember you said something about
23 "well, not the local details"?
24 A. Umm.
26 Q. How would local groups, if they had -- well, how would this
27 come about to be produced by a local group or by London
28 Greenpeace, whatever? What is the reality of how something
29 like that would be produced?
31 MR. JUSTICE BELL: What are you looking at now?
33 MR. MORRIS: Sorry, it is tab 71.
35 MS. STEEL: Pink 1A.
37 MR. MORRIS: Pink 1A, the same folder.
38 A. Yes.
40 Q. Do you know when that poster was actually designed?
41 A. Yes, this poster was designed, I would say, in about
42 1986 for World Day of Action that year. Now, the idea
43 behind it was that it would be used by local groups to
44 promote their own events, not London Greenpeace events.
45 And if you look at it, London Greenpeace is actually in
46 very small type down the bottom, smaller than anything else
47 on it. And also there is no address or any contact number
48 for London Greenpeace, and this is part of the whole ethos
49 of the group, was that we encouraged people to take action
50 themselves in their own areas and did not want to be sort
51 of the central organisation commanding, directing people
52 what to do.
54 Q. So would this poster be actually printed for local groups
55 by --
56 A. Yes.
58 Q. -- London Greenpeace? No, this is the question. Would a
59 local group who wanted to fly post or give out leaflets or
60 whatever actually have their posters printed by London