Day 259 - 10 Jun 96 - Page 09
1 disclosed is in the bundles.
3 MS. STEEL: I can say with 100 per cent certainty that some of
4 those were disclosed with the letter of October 1993, but
5 not all of them. If I could just say that, clearly, there
6 are ones there that are not in the 1989 file of
7 photographs. They are relevant, because they are about
8 whether or not the leaflet was published and what I was
9 doing on the demonstration. I would like the whole of that
10 film that relates to October 1989 which has not been
11 disclosed already to be disclosed within the next week or
12 so.
14 MR. JUSTICE BELL: You have made your request. Let us see
15 what -----
17 MS. STEEL: (To the witness) That photograph of Mr. Morris in a
18 doorway, you had not seen that before a few weeks ago?
19 A. That is right.
21 Q. When you say that the copy of that leaflet that you got
22 from this man on the October 1989 picket was a fact sheet,
23 that is from your memory now; you did not have a note of
24 it, did you?
25 A. Did I make any notes, do you mean?
27 Q. Yes.
28 A. No, I did not. No, I did not make any notes.
30 Q. So, when you put that in your statement, that was from your
31 memory ---
32 A. Yes.
34 Q. -- now?
35 A. Yes.
37 Q. You said that Bishops ended in July 1990?
38 A. Round about then, yes.
40 Q. Right. Because Mr. Clare's notes go to August?
41 A. I take it that that is how long they needed to
42 extricate themselves from the observation without any loss
43 of confidentiality.
45 Q. So you mean there were two inquiry agents from Bishops
46 going at that time, then?
47 A. No.
49 Q. Otherwise, if it was just one, he could have stopped going
50 immediately, could he not?
51 A. That is a matter for them.
53 Q. Can I just ask you -- you have been here almost every
54 day -- Mike Love and Edie Bensilum have been to court on
55 several occasions, have they not?
56 A. Mike Love has. I do not think Edie Bensilum has been
57 in court. She might have been in the very early days. She
58 went to America for a year on a secondment. She has not
59 been since she came back.