Day 257 - 06 Jun 96 - Page 19

     1        they may be, for their lunch or dinner, are people who are
     2        in the eating out sector.  So, I do not think that
     3        necessarily follows.  Can we just go back to--
     5   MR. MORRIS:  It does add up, it does seem to me to add up.
     6        Maybe it does not.
     8   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Look, whatever else may be said about these
     9        figures, and in my view everyone should be careful about
    10        figures if there is inconsistency, but if one looks at the
    11        number of people eating out at McDonald's by frequency
    12        break, 1993 to 1994 data -- just pause a moment -- that you
    13        said was the Taylor Nelson, how does that relate, how does
    14        the 8,000-odd per annum relate, to the 60,000 sample?
    15        A.  The 8,000 relates to the 60,000 sample in that we took
    16        a defined segment of that sample to base these calculations
    17        upon.
    19   Q.   How were the segments defined?
    20        A.  It was a representative sample, basically split four
    21        ways across four quarters.  As it says here, 2,100
    22        interviews.
    24   Q.   How did you -- are the 60,000 samples split up into
    25        quarters, so it is about 15,000 a quarter?
    26        A.  Yes, it is split into samples.  The reason that we took
    27        a bigger sample than the other research but a smaller
    28        sample than the total was that the computer processing time
    29        to go back through all that would have been--
    31   Q.   I understand that, that may be very sensible but how did
    32        you choose the segment?
    33        A.  The segment was chosen from basically the first 2,000
    34        interviews done in each of the those quarters on a random
    35        basis.
    37   Q.   Just pause.  It was random to that extent?
    38   ?
    39        A.  Yes.
    41   Q.   Wherever we go next, the one thing you are saying is
    42        -- right -- that there was not anyone of those 4,347 who
    43        said they ate every day at McDonald's?
    44        A.  That is correct.
    46   Q.   There were 8 of the 4,347 who said they ate nearly every
    47        day?
    48        A.  Yes.
    50   Q.   And 77 individuals said they ate several times a week and 
    51        so on? 
    52        A.  Yes. 
    54   Q.   So, 466 said they ate once a week or more often?
    55        A.  Yes.
    57   Q.   That you said, in very broad terms, is the equivalent of
    58        your percentage?
    59        A.  Yes.

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