Day 257 - 06 Jun 96 - Page 17

     2   Q.   Is that right?
     3        A.  Yes.
     5   Q.   Yes, I see.
     7   MR. MORRIS:  The survey that was done over the phone, of 5,000,
     8        they were all asked specifically about their use of
     9        McDonald's?
    10        A.  They were asked about the use of the informal eating
    11        out sector, all other eating out brands including
    12        McDonald's.
    14   Q.   Right.  And of that 5,000 did they all register as a
    15        McDonald's user one way or another?
    16        A.  The numbers registered here would have registered, this
    17        is McDonald's usage on the first sheet, the frequency
    18        visit, yes.
    20   Q.   Right.  What I am saying is, of that 5,000 people, that is
    21        5,000 people who use McDonald's?
    22        A.  No, no, that is not correct, no.  The total sample
    23        would be 5,000, the relative percentage within that would
    24        be McDonald's usage.
    26   Q.   It might have been 3 or 4,000, or something?
    27        A.  It was about 8 per cent of the total.
    29   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Sorry?
    31   MR. MORRIS:   8 per cent?
    32        A.  8 per cent.
    34   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  So only 400?
    35        A.  Yes.
    37   MR. MORRIS:   Only 400 people out of 5,000 use McDonald's more
    38        than, well, once a year?
    39        A.  Yes, that correlation goes right back.  If you look
    40        back to AF1 and AF2 you see that McDonald's percentage of
    41        total eating out in the UK relates to 8 per cent of the
    42        total market place.
    44   Q.   That is, we are talking about the numbers of people who
    45        have eaten at McDonald's once a year or more, and you are
    46        saying that is something like 90 per cent or 98 per cent of
    47        the population?
    48        A.  No, that 75 per cent of the population eat out.
    50   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Is the 'eating', people who eat out? 
    52   MR. MORRIS:  Yes. 
    54   MR. JUSTICE BELL: What if you want to get the proportion who eat
    55        at McDonald's, you put the 21,735,000 over 56.6 million do
    56        you?
    57        A.  Yes.
    59   Q.   You get just something like two-fifths or just under
    60        two-fifths?

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