Day 249 - 14 May 96 - Page 14
1 which I make about ten to five, or five o'clock.
2 A. Yes, it was probably a bit earlier than that.
4 Q. Looking out of that same window, yes?
5 A. Yes.
7 Q. From there, if we look at paragraph 18, you moved on to
8 what you describe as the raised balcony?
9 A. Yes.
11 Q. And you make reference to photograph 21. That is on page
12 11, it is the bottom photograph on page 11?
13 A. Yes, where that chap is standing. He is one of our
14 maintenance men, and where he is standing is where I would
15 be standing.
17 Q. Yes.
19 MR. JUSTICE BELL: Let me just look at that.
21 MS. STEEL: That is the outside?
22 A. That is outside. That picture does not give a proper
23 presentation of what the place really looks like. There is
24 a big car park in between the building behind and where the
25 fellow is standing.
27 MR. RAMPTON: What you call the raised balcony -- I do not know
28 what you call it -- is separate from the building behind is
29 it?
30 A. Yes, there is a car park in between.
32 Q. Yes, I see. So it is just a, sort of, open patio area and
33 raised up?
34 A. Yes, yes.
36 MR. JUSTICE BELL: What, behind where the maintenance man is
37 standing?
38 A. Yes, that building behind it is not attached to that
39 wall, there is a car park in between, sir.
41 MR. RAMPTON: Thank you. I had not appreciated that. Then you
42 watched the performing cow and the juggler for a bit, and
43 went back into your office and came down again, if you look
44 at paragraph 20, at about quarter past five?
45 A. Yes.
47 Q. This time you stood on the forecourt?
48 A. Yes, I came down on to the forecourt.
50 Q. Here you make reference to photograph 10, which is on page
51 5. Again, it is the bottom photograph?
52 A. Yes.
54 Q. You say, "I stood roughly where the two men are shown on
55 the right of the photograph"?
56 A. Yes, roughly there.
58 Q. There is a man with a sort of white jacket, and a younger
59 man with a pony tail and a waistcoat; yes?
60 A. That is correct.