Day 243 - 02 May 96 - Page 15
1 reclamation, et cetera.
3 6. I work to prevent waste for the following reasons:
5 A. We are uncertain of the full impacts, often in distant
6 parts of the world, of our use of materials. One example
7 is the expansion of farmed forests into undisturbed areas.
9 B. The production of throwaway materials all over the
10 world produces pollutants, for example, chlorine bleaching
11 of woodpulp produces dioxins which do not go away. It is
12 irresponsible to have ongoing processes constantly and
13 knowingly adding to the amounts of such chemicals in the
14 world. This is increasingly recognised: For example 110
15 countries are working towards an international treaty for
16 phase out of persistent organic pollutants including
17 dioxins (ENDS Report 250 November 1995). In addition, many
18 byproducts contribute to global warming and ozone
19 depletion.
21 C. The production of waste items involves a large though
22 difficult to assess expenditure of energy. This causes
23 production of carbon dioxide which adds to global warming.
25 D. It is becoming increasingly difficult and expensive to
26 dispose of waste. For many cities there is a shortage of
27 landfill sites at a distance not involving unacceptable
28 transport with accompanying pollution and health effects.
30 E. Disposal items save labour but with an increasing
31 social problem of unemployment, the revaluing of human
32 energy to prevent waste is becoming a business and social
33 opportunity.
35 7. McDonald's as an international company has the
36 opportunity to learn from and spread to its branches in
37 other countries the very best environmental practice."
39 The rest is removed.
41 Moving on to paragraph 9. There did not seem to be a
42 paragraph 8.
44 MR. JUSTICE BELL: There is on mine: "McDonald's in Germany has
45 conducted a trial".
47 MR. MORRIS: I did not realise that, I am sorry, I obliterated
48 the 8. I thought it was part of 7:
50 "8. McDonald's in Germany has conducted a trial involving
51 three outlets of reusable polypropene beakers of the type
52 mentioned in paragraph 46 in my main evidence. I have seen
53 a sample of these cups with McDonald's logos on.
55 9. In Germany in 1994, a small town, Kassel, introduced a
56 tax on one way containers. McDonald's and two other
57 companies mounted a legal challenge in Kassel. The
58 challenge was not on environmental ground but simply on the
59 right of communities to impose the tax. They lost and went
60 to a higher court in Berlin and lost there also. Other